Wednesday's Child: Atticus
Atticus is a kid who loves the outdoors, enjoys one-on-one time and has plenty of love to give to a forever family. NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to this week’s Wednesday’s Child.
Wednesday's Child: Adrian
Adrian is a little guy who loves thrills and is hoping to find a family to call his own. NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to this week’s Wednesday’s Child.
Wednesday's Child: Zaya
Zaya’s smile shows how much she loves being spoken to. NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to the energetic seventh grader looking for a forever family.
Wednesday's Child: Kyle
NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces 16-year-old Kyle, who loves to build with Legos, is very creative and loves school. He also has a favorite food: Sauerkraut. And, he’s looking for a loving family to call his own.
Wednesday's Child: Sosa
NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to Sosa, a resilient young woman who delivers plenty of personality. Sosa spoke about her dream to have a family to call her own while creating treats at Insomnia Cookie’s CookieLab.
Wednesday's Child: Dalton
NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces Dalton, a ninth-grader who loves animals and the outdoors. He’s inquisitive and always looking to learn. He’s also hoping to find a loving family to call his own.
Wednesday's Child: James
NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces 15-year-old James, a talented athlete who would love to play for the Pittsburgh Steelers and enjoys learning about history. He’s also seeking a loving home.
Wednesday's Child: Mixie
Mixie is a music-loving teenager who wants to put others first as a nurse, but would love a forever family to help her serve others. NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to this week’s Wednesday’s Child.
Wednesday's Child: Michael
Meet Michael, a young man with good manners, lots of dreams and a career goal in mind. Now, the 15-year-old is looking for a loving family.
Wednesday's Child: Samir
NBC10’s Frances Wang meets basketball fan and star student Samir as the teenager looks for a family that will call him their own and offer him support.
Wednesday's Child: Kylie
15-year-old Kylie loves the Sixers, spending time with her friends and loves cosmetology — so much so, she wants to be a cosmetologist in the future. And, she’s looking for a family to call her own. NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces this week’s Wednesday’s Child.
Wednesday's Child: Dashawn
Dashawn is a a basketball fan with big dreams who loves to write poetry and journaling. NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to this week’s Wednesday’s Child.
Wednesday's Child: Holiday party for kids looking for adoptive homes
It was “a celebration of kids in care” as several children looking for families to adopt them opened up gifts at an annual holiday party. NBC10’s Frances Wang talks to some of the children looking for forever homes.
Wednesday's Child: Johnny
NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to Johnny, a 10-year-old boy with special needs who is in need of a loving family.
Wednesday's Child: Kyler
NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to Kyler, a sweet and chatty kid who loves gym. Kyler hopes to be adopted along with his younger brother Kendall.
See Kendall’s story: http://on.nbc10.com/aXxG3Iy -
Wednesday's Child: Kendall
NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to Kendall, a fun loving kid who loves math and science. Kendall hopes to be adopted along with his younger brother Kyler.
See Kyler’s story: http://on.nbc10.com/4LebHIH -
Wednesday's Child: Franklin
NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to Franklin, a teen with a big heart and a love for the arts. You can bring Franklin into your loving family by adopting him.
Wednesday's Child: Amber
NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to Amber, a smart young woman looking forward to college and hoping to travel the world.
Wednesday's Child: Connor
NBC10’s Frances Wang introduces you to Connor, a Pokémon-loving teen who is willing to try new things, like golf.
Wednesday's Child: Zavion
NBC10’s Frances Wang heads to the arcade with playful Zavion, a 14-year-old who likes to make people laugh and is looking for a family to call his own.