“Phanatic” Helps Teddy to 1st Presidents Race Win

Teddy mascot finally wins Nats' Presidents Race thanks to fake Phillies mascot

After hundreds of losses, foam-rubber-headed Teddy Roosevelt finally won the National Park Presidents Race thanks to an assist from a poor excuse for the Phillie Phanatic. Phillies.com/MLB.com

Teddy wins! Teddy wins!

For the first time, the Teddy Roosevelt mascot has won the Presidents Race in the middle of the fourth inning at Nationals Park thanks to an assist from a wannabe Phillie Phanatic.

That's right, a poor excuse for the Phillies mascot got himself involved in fake presidential politics during Wednesday's Phillies-Nationals game.

Teddy, who was 0-fer for Nats Park entering Wednesday was trailing for the first half of the race when a poor excuse for the Phanatic popped out from the outfield wall and tackled Teddy’s 10-foot-tall foam counterparts of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abe Lincoln.

With the rest of the Mount Rushmore Presidents on the ground, the race came down to a battle between Teddy and the rather skinny Phillies mascot wannabe. The “Phanatic” had lost his nose and almost lost one of his eyes while taking out the other presidents so he was hindered against the stronger Teddy.

Teddy, who wore golden shoes, outran the stumbling Phanatic (he literally stumbled into the crowd) to the delight of the D.C. crowd.

Teddy -- Mr. Rough Rider, himself -- had lost more than 500 times since 2006. His win comes on the heels of the Nationals first division crown since moving to Washington.

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