Flying Hot Dog Strikes Woman in the Face During Phillies Game

“You would think you would get hit by a baseball,” the Plymouth Meeting woman said. “Instead of a flying hot dog.”

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A woman is speaking out after she was hit in the face by a hot dog at the Phillies game.

Phillies fan Kathy McVay continues to recover from a black eye she suffered while watching the team play against the St. Louis Cardinals on Monday. Yet it wasn’t a foul ball that caused her injury.

“You would think you would get hit by a baseball,” the Plymouth Meeting woman said. “Instead of a flying hot dog.”

McVay was sitting near home plate with two of her friends during the game. She says it was either the 6th or 7th inning when the Phillie Phanatic came out and began shooting hot dogs into the stands from a cannon.

McVay is suffering from a torn rotator cuff and is set for surgery on Tuesday. She never imagined her inability to lift her arm would be a danger for her at that very moment.

“All of a sudden I looked up and here comes this hot dog,” she said. “Since I can’t lift my shoulder…I couldn’t catch it or get it out of the way that fast.”

The flying hot dog struck McVay in the face, knocking off her glasses.

“Next thing I knew I was bleeding and we were going to First Aid,” she said.

McVay and her friends left the game and went to Einstein Hospital, where doctors took X-rays and she underwent a CAT scan. Fortunately for McVay, nothing was broken. She does have a black eye and a surreal moment she’ll never forget.

“At least it’s funny,” McVay said. “It’s a story I can tell people. My only thing is just to warn people just to be careful.”

The Phillies reached out to McVay Tuesday to apologize. They also offered her free tickets to a future game. McVay says the incident hasn’t scared her off from going. 

“I love the Phillies. I would definitely go,” she said. “I just have a story to tell.”

She’ll do one thing differently during the next Phillies game, however.

“Next time we’re going to the nosebleed section,” she said.

A Phillies spokesperson told NBC10 the incident was the first they’ve ever heard of a fan being injured by a hot dog.

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