Donald Trump

Trump Fumes Over Russia Investigation in Morning Tweets

"Witch hunt' is how Trump characterizes the probe into Russia's election interference and possible ties to his campaign associates

At a news conference with the president of Romania, President Donald Trump addressed his morning tweet about feeling “vindicated” after James Comey’s testimony in front of the Senate intelligence committee.

President Donald Trump started his day Sunday with a stream of tweets defending his record and lashing out at the investigation into Russian interference in the election.

In a two-part tweet posted before 7 a.m., Trump wrote: "The MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN agenda is doing very well despite the distraction of the Witch Hunt."

He continued by saying: "Many new jobs, high business enthusiasm ...massive regulation cuts, 36 new legislative bills signed, great new S.C.Justice, and Infrastructure, Healthcare and Tax Cuts in works!"

"The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating.That's higher than O's #'s!" Trump continued, referring to former president Barack Obama. 

"Witch hunt' is how Trump characterizes the probe into Russia's election interference and possible ties to his campaign associates.

Trump advisers describe the president as increasingly angry over the investigation, yelling at television sets carrying coverage and insisting he is the target of a conspiracy.

Copyright The Associated Press
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