The father of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old Cleveland boy fatally shot by police last year, said he's struggling to tell his other children why their brother is no longer alive. In his first public interview since Tamir's death, Leonard Warner told NBC affiliate WKYC on Wednesday that he has no answer for the boy's siblings. "Every time they wake up, they asking about him ... and they go to sleep, they asking about him," said Warner, explaining that he doesn't give the kids details about how Tamir died. A Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office investigation into whether Cleveland police officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback will be charged in the Nov. 22 shooting remains open. Warner said that he's simply looking for closure. "I'm still down and out," Warner said, adding that "I can't see (Tamir) grow up to be a man and having grandkids and giving me grandkids."