
Olympic gold medalist Sydney Leroux swears by ‘genius' parenting hack

Olympic gold medalist Sydney Leroux swears by ‘genius’ parenting hack
Katharine Lotze | Getty Images Sport | Getty Images

Being a professional soccer player is hard. Being a professional soccer player raising two young children is even harder. 

But Olympic gold medalist and World Cup winner Sydney Leroux has figured out a simple system to balance mornings with her seven-year-old son and four-year-old daughter.

"Both of my kids are in school, so we do our morning routine together," she told Make It while promoting her partnership with SpringHill Suites by Marriott and U.S. Youth Soccer. "I have a little hack to make the mornings easier." 

The Angel City FC forward needs to be out the door for practice by 7:30 a.m. To make that happen while still getting her kids to school on time, she tucks them into bed in the clothes they'll be wearing the next morning. 

"My son actually was the one who thought of it first," she tells Make It. "I was like, 'This is genius! We're gonna do this all the time. I'm gonna do this with your sister.'"

Her pre school-aged daughter has no problem sleeping in her "comfy clothes," while Leroux's son — who wears a uniform to school — sometimes even sleeps in his polo.

And while Leroux says her strategy "saves us a lot of time" as she and her kids get ready for their day, she admits it's never easy wrangling two young children first thing in the morning.

"Our morning routine is chaotic no matter what," she says. "But we get it done. I do think that my hack is helpful!"

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