Go, Go gadget flyboard! French jet ski champion Franky Zapata has created a soon-to-be summer phenomenon, an alternate activity that asks, "For this type of thrill, do you really care if you hurt yourself?"
The Zapata Flyboard is a new water device that propels you up and out of the water with the power of a trailing jet ski. The water pressure shoots through a tube that's attached to your body where water is released through jet boots and hand stabilizers, shooting you into the sky like a real-life Iron Man, human dolphin, or even that Android character with his cute little rocket feet.
Gizmag posted a number of the insane photos that Zapata had recently released and also reports that he's currently on his honeymoon. His new wife must be thrilled about the sudden frenzy over her husband's superhero aspirations.
All I can say is that now, more than ever, I am especially excited for the summer and my annual Shelter Island college reunion. To infinity and beyond!
Calling all Inner Iron Men, Strap on Your Jet Packs
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