A Bold and Colorful Home by John Barman
John Barman is not afraid to use bold colors in his design. In fact, his use of it is one of the things he’s known for. Take a look at how he integrated bold color with unexpected design touches in a home he designed on Park Ave. Barman also recently released his latest book, “John Barman Interior Design.” From demolishing walls in favor of a floor-to-ceiling, canary-yellow sliding door that opens two rooms to one spectacular Miami Beach view, to adding a sense of translucency to a regal 19th-century Upper East Side townhouse by dividing interior rooms with steel-framed glass doors, John Barman demonstrates in full force—with this book—the clear-cut, decisive blend of glamour and functionality that has won his firm accolades over the past 15 years. Visit John Barman’s website.