
Temple Faculty Union Moves Forward With Possible No-Confidence Vote in President Jason Wingard

NBC 10

Temple University's faculty union is pressing ahead with its discussion to hold a no-confidence vote in President Jason Wingard and other top officials amid heightening turmoil at the North Philadelphia university, reports the Philadelphia Business Journal.

The move comes following an emergency town hall meeting of 500 members of the Temple Association of University Professionals on Friday, followed by a session of the organization's executive committee on Monday.

The 2,500-member Temple Association of University of Professionals will next hold a meeting on March 17 where all members of the collective bargaining unit will be able to vote on whether to authorize the vote of no confidence. If the motion is successful, the organization will initiate an official vote of no confidence the following week.

It would be the first time the union holds a no-confidence vote since it was established in 1973. The vote would be a symbolic statement and cannot force a resignation. has why the university's faculty union is moving forward with the discussion.

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