Penn's Landing

Students Launch Handmade Boats into Delaware River

Students from Maritime Academy Charter School and the Sequoia Alternative Program at Lenape Regional High School launched boats they built at the Independence Seaport Museum on Saturday


Local students launch a handmade boat into the Delaware River on Saturday.

Twenty-four students from Philadelphia's Maritime Academy Charter School and the Sequoia Alternative Program at Lenape Regional High School in Marlton, New Jersey, launched boats they made themselves into the Delaware River on Saturday.

The students were part of the Sailor Stem program hosted by the Independence Seaport Museum and the Eastern Atlantic states Regional Council of Carpenters.

Organizers said the program is in its second year.

The program teaches students to build boats -- specifically, Bevin skiffs -- that usually seat three people.

The effort, officials said, is intended to help teach students carpentry skills.

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