
Still Need Train Tickets for Papal Visit? Ebay, Craigslist May Be Your Answer

SEPTA emailed the winners of the special SEPTA train pass lottery Thursday for the World Meeting of Families.

If you missed out on the SEPTA lottery for papal visit passes, don't fret. You still have the chance to see the Pope when he visits the City of Brotherly Love in September.

Just three days after the online lottery went live, consumers have already posted tickets on auction sites like Ebay and Craigslist.

However, if you are looking to purchase tickets on these sites, be prepared to see elevated prices. On Ebay, some tickets are listed at a whopping $150.  

On Monday, SEPTA launched a one-day online lottery to sell round-trip Regional Rail passes for the weekend of papal visit. SEPTA sent an email confirmation on Thursday to the lucky winners of the passes. Winners have three days to accept and pay for the passes. Each pass costs $10 a day.

SEPTA says 328,045 passes were requested, but the transportation company capped the ridership at 175,000 for each day the Pope is in town.

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