Montgomery County

Police: Upper Moreland High School worker shared child porn online

Law enforcement officials have arrested Douglas Penglase, of Hatboro, who worked as a co-curricular employee at Upper Moreland High School, on charges of distributing child pornography online

NBC Universal, Inc.

37-year-old Douglas Penglase, a school employee in Montgomery County, was charged with sharing child pornography online. Investigators say they found more than a thousand files containing sexually explicit material involving children on his devices. NBC10’s Deanna Durante has the details. 

A co-curricular worker -- specifically a drum instructor -- at Upper Moreland High School in Montgomery County has been arrested and charged with sharing child pornography online, officials announced on Wednesday.

According to law enforcement official, Douglas Penglase, 37, of Hatboro, was arrested and charged with distribution of child pornography following an investigation that began last year.

Officials said that police were alerted, in May on 2024, that a user of the social media platform Kik was transmitting files that allegedly depicted child pornography.

Following an investigation, police officials claim that they discovered an account on that social media platform that was linked to Penglase and contained about 780 files that depicted child pornography.

Court documents note that investigators executed a search warrant at Penglase's home on March 11, 2025.

At that time, police claim investigators asked Penglase about the contents of a specific video that he has been accused of sharing online.

According to court documents, when asked to describe the contents that specific video that depicted child pornography, police claim Penglase explained what happens in the video and told investigators that "it was ingrained in his brain because he knew that it was wrong, and that it was one of the more shocking videos."

Penglase was arrested and, officials said he made his initial appearance in court on Tuesday.

In a statement to the school community, Sue Elliott, superintendent of the Upper Moreland School District, said that Penglase had been fired from the district and that there had been no complaints of his behavior with students prior to his arrest.

"Officials in the Upper Moreland School District were notified by the Upper Moreland Township Police Department that Upper Moreland High School Co-Curricular employee Douglas Penglase was arrested and charged federally with distribution of child pornography. This arrest was the first notification the District had regarding this alleged behavior," Elliott wrote in a letter. "The Upper Moreland School District is cooperating fully with law enforcement. Mr. Penglase is no longer an employee. The families involved in the affected activities will be notified of plans for his replacement."

Elliott noted that Penglase had been employed by the district since September of 2020 and had no prior record before his hiring.

She said the district "is not aware of any inappropriate actions" between him and any students in the district.

Elliott advised any students, staff or families who may have relevant information regarding the allegations against Penglase, to contact the Homeland Security Investigations Philadelphia victim services tipline at 215-606-5549.

Officials have said that only has he been relieved of his duties with the school district, but the Hatboro Police Department said he was a civilian employee, and he was let go once they learned of his arrest.

An investigation, officials said, is ongoing.

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