4 Teens Injured in Ridley Township Crash

Cops say driver's license was suspended

Teens gather to pray and offer support for four teens injured in a hit-and-run in Ridley Township.

Two teens remain hospitalized Saturday after they were hit by a driver in Ridley Township Friday night.

Around 10 p.m., three teenage girls and one male, all between the ages of 14 and 15, were struck at the intersection of MacDade Boulevard and Morton Avenue in Folsom.

That's right where the Ridley Township Police Department is located. 

Two of the teens remain at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The male victim, Anthony Oswald,  is in intensive care, and one of the female victims in in critical condition. The two other teenager girls were treated and released.

Authorities said that a red Ford Windstar van hit the kids while trying to beat a red light. The vehicle sped up to make it through the intersection, and hit the group of four who were walking in the crosswalk. The collision was so violent that two of the children were sent flying through the air.

A Ridley Township patrol car pursued the van after the intersection, and the officer observed the vehicle driving erratically, swerving across the middle yellow lines and then bumping the curb on the road's edge.

Police pulled the van over on Chestnut Street in Chester. The officer on the scene reported that when he approached the driver of the vehicle, 52-year-old Tyrone Williams, the man was crying. The officer said that one of William's eyes was completely red, and that the front of the vehicle had several impact dents, and was spattered with soda. Authorities say he should not have been on the road.

"Mr. Williams should not have been driving. He did not have a valid driver's license. PennDot recalled it because he has a medical condition," Sgt. Charles Palo said.

Investigators say Williams has diabetes and vision problems.

Friends of the teens held vigil Saturday night, each wore red to symbolize stopping for a red light.

"I want them all to get better and just be all right," Brigid Murray said.

Williams, who lives in Darby, told the officer that he thought he had hit a cone. He was charged with leaving the scene of an accident, police said.

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