Business owners raised money for a student rifle team after the Stroudsburg Area School Board declined money from the NRA.
Officials say a Pennsylvania high school rifle team has received thousands of dollars in donations since the school board voted down a grant from the National Rifle Association.
The Allentown Morning Call reports that businesses unhappy with the decision by the Stroudsburg Area School Board said $6,750 raised before donations were cut off was being turned over to the district Wednesday for the Stroudsburg High School rifle team.
Meanwhile, a Gofundme campaign started Monday night by State Rep. Maureen Madden, a Monroe County Democrat, had reached $5,190 Wednesday, more than the $4,730 goal, the amount of the NRA grant.
The board voted 6-2 against accepting the NRA grant, which was intended to replace outdated equipment, with members saying they objected to the idea of taking money from the organization.