You will soon be able to pick up a 6-pack of beer at Pennsylvania distributors.
Big changes are coming to beer sales in Pennsylvania.
Gov. Tom Wolf signed legislation Tuesday that will allow the state's more than 1,000 beer distributors to sell suds in any quantity. That includes individual 32-ounce bottles, four-packs, six-packs and growlers.
The law takes effect in 60 days.
Also, it lets bars sell alcohol starting at 9 a.m. on Sundays, without a requirement to serve food, and allows consumers to legally participate in beer-of-the-month clubs that ship beer directly to homes.
Sporting venues also could sell mixed drinks.
Beer distributors had long sought to loosen restrictions on the beer quantities they could sell.
The changes arrive as state regulators increasingly grant six-pack licenses to convenience stores and after Wolf signed sweeping changes to liquor laws allowing wine sales in grocery stores. [[223762671, C]]