
New Protections for Tipped Workers Take Effect in Pa.

NBC Universal, Inc.

NBC10’s Katy Zachry breaks down the new rules Pennsylvania bars and restaurants must adhere to for tipped employees.

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A new series of rules aiming to protect tipped workers is now in effect across Pennsylvania.

One update to the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act stipulates that employees must now make at least $135 a month in tips before bosses are allowed to drop their hourly pay from $7.25 an hour to as low as $2.83 an hour. Before, employees needed to make only $30 in monthly tips before their bosses could drop their hourly pay.

Additionally, tip pooling will be allowed among employees but will in most cases exclude managers, supervisors and business owners.

Employers will also be prevented from deducting credit card and other non-cash payment fees from workers’ tips, and they must clarify to customers that automatic service charges are not tips for workers.

Workers must be allowed to spend at least 80% on their time doing work that generates tips.

“These updated regulations not only seek to keep tips in the pockets of workers who rightfully earned them, but to also ensure employers are playing by the same, fair rules,” Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Secretary Jennifer Berrie said in a written statement.

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