Drivers along Route 1 and southbound I-95 in the area of the Christiana Mall in Delaware got some relief Tuesday morning as the brand new flyover ramp opened. NBC10’s Christine Maddela reports from SkyForce10.
Most Delaware drivers are familiar with the dreaded “cattle chute." It’s one exit ramp that gets you to too many places, too slowly. That’s all about to change starting Tuesday however, thanks to a new flyover ramp that will open from southbound I-95 to Del. 1 southbound.
Coming from the north, there is currently only one exit ramp that serves Christiana Hospital and all the shops nearby. It also serves Christiana Mall, sending you through various traffic loops to get into the shopping center. Finally, it serves all the people coming from the north who want to get onto Delaware 1 South to go down to Dover and Delaware beaches.
“Isn’t that insane?” asked Lisa Romeo of Newark. “One road that can get you to where you’ve got to go.”
DelDOT's new flyover ramp by the Christiana Mall will mean that drivers heading to Delaware 1 South won’t have to use Exit 4A anymore, creating a quicker ride to the emergency room, beaches and the mall.
“It dramatically improves our traffic pattern,” said Christiana Mall marketing Manager Thomas Schneck. “Especially for people living north of the city like myself.”
A flyover ramp is also being planned for Route 1 North to I-95 North. Construction of that ramp won’t be completed until Thanksgiving however. For now though, southbound drivers will only have to wait until Tuesday for their traffic nightmare to end.
The opening of the ramp required several lane and ramp closures on Monday, according to DelDOT:
Breaking news and the stories that matter to your neighborhood.
7 p.m. on Monday, August 26
Route 1 southbound left lane will be closed at AAA Boulevard.
Exit 4A/I-95 northbound to Route 1 southbound will be closed. Detour: Route 141 westbound to I-95 southbound to Route 273 eastbound and return to Route 1 southbound.
8 p.m. on Monday, August 26
Route 1 southbound closed from the I-95 interchange to the Route 273 exit. Detour: I-95 southbound to Route 273 eastbound and return to Route 1 southbound.
9 p.m. on Monday, August 26
Two right lanes closed along I-95 southbound from Churchmans Road Exit to the Route 1 Overpass.
6 a.m. on Tuesday, August 27
Re-open Route 1 southbound, removal of lane restrictions from I-95 southbound, and Opening of Fly-Over Ramp for I-95 southbound to Route 1 southbound.
7 a.m. on Tuesday, August 27
Open Exit 4A/I-95 northbound to Route 1 southbound.
NBC10's Tim Furlong contributed to this report