Animals Rescued From “Hoarder”

Emaciated dogs, cats and turtles removed from home

Pennsylvania SPCA officers removed more than a dozen dogs, cats and amphibians from a Gray's Ferry home Monday.

Officials were called to the home near 29th and Wharton Streets after neighbors heard two of the dogs fighting, the PSPCA said.

"The whole house was totally covered in feces," said PSPCA spokesperson George Bengal. "The dogs are emaciated, the puppies are in an emaciated condition."

12 dogs -- five of which were puppies -- four cats and a turtle were taken from the owner who was described by authorities as a hoarder.

"This guy appears to be more of a collector and a hoarder and he's overwhelmed in here," Bengal said.

The unidentified owner, who just moved to the neighborhood about six months ago, was described by neighbors as quiet.

"I think he was lonely," said neighbor Loretta Mellor. "He was by himself and that's all he had them dogs…I didn't know he had all that."

The animals were taken to the PSPCA headquarters in Hunting Park for examination. Bengal says charges may be filed in the case.

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