Philadelphia's ‘Generation Addicted' Gets Philadelphia City Council Honor, Team Testifies About Opioid Addiction

The NBC10 Digital Team was honored Friday as Philadelphia City Council takes on the heroin epidemic.

Reporters Morgan Zalot Vince Lattanzio and Denise Nakano were recognized for their work on's Generation Addicted, an investigation into the tragic world of heroin and opioid addiction in Philadelphia and beyond.[[380334911, C]]

City Council also declared 2016 as "The Year to Combat the Heroin Abuse Epidemic in Philadelphia." And, the Team received a formal thanks for peeling off the layer on drug addiction.

The team also testified about their findings and shared some of the NBC10 special.

The program included heart-wrenching stories about people struggling with the disease of addiction. The show also featured parents who lost children to the epidemic and law enforcement agents scrambling to implement new strategies to save lives.

Read, watch and experience more stories around our special presentation GENERATION ADDICTED.

EXPLORE: NBC10's Generation Addicted expanded experience online.

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