Internet Café Shut Down After Police Raid

Police shut down the Internet Sweepstakes Cafe in South Philadelphia due to alleged illegal gambling which violated Pennsylvania gaming laws.

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Internet Sweepstakes Café on 24th and Oregon was shut down Monday. Police raided the establishment due to alleged illegal gambling taking place inside. No arrests or charges have been made. NBC10’s Deanna Durante reports.

A South Philadelphia Internet Café has been shut down after police raided the establishment due to alleged illegal gambling taking place inside.

It happened today at the Internet Sweepstakes Café on 24th and Oregon. Police began to investigate the café, which opened earlier this year, after a complaint from a local resident in early March. Police say their investigation revealed the café was violating Pennsylvania gaming laws.

“Customers came in, they had United States currency,” said Lieutenant Ray Evers. “They paid to get credits on a computer and then gambling was taking place. If they won the actual receipt cashed that day.”

Police confiscated over 30 computers, two Internet servers as well as banners outside the store that advertised sweepstakes and cash prizes during today’s raid. While the owners of the café refused to speak with NBC10, we managed to reach out to one of their attorneys.

“From what I understand there is absolutely nothing illegal going on inside the premises,” said Attorney Raymond Driscoll.

In spite of the raid, police have not made any arrests and no charges have been filed.

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