
Immigrants Will Be Able to Ask Legal Questions on Immigration Phone Bank

The phone bank will be hosted by Telemundo62´s reporter Inés Ferré.

Telemundo62, NBC10's partner station, is going to host an immigration phone bank on July 20. The main purpose of this third edition is to keep informing and guiding the Hispanic community on their legal opportunities.

A numerous amount of immigration lawyers will be part of the free of charge activity. They will be answering people’s calls and responding to any questions or doubts the public may have.

Inés Ferré, Telemundo 62 Responde reporter, will be hosting the phone back during Telemundo62´s newscast, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Calls are only going to be taken during that period of time. Check back then for the phone number.

“Conoce tus derechos” (Know your rights) and orientate yourself on what to do about your or someone you love´s migratory status.

The number to call is 877-622-9228.

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