Gingrich Back in Delaware

Gingrich makes return visit to Delaware

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was back in Delaware, hoping a victory in the state's Tuesday primary election will lend credibility to his flagging presidential campaign and his plans to shape the Republican national platform.

Gingrich visited Delmarva Christian High School in Georgetown on Wednesday afternoon, followed by an evening appearance in Wilmington at a meeting of the Delaware Rail Splitter Society, an independent Republican organization named in honor of Abraham Lincoln.

Gingrich told a crowd of more than 100 people in Wilmington that re-electing President Obama would be "a disaster of the first order."

He also reiterated his calls for American energy independence, a national brain research effort, and the need to reform Washington politics and the federal government.

GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney spent his time Thursday campaigning in Delaware.

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