Wedding Bells Might Ring for Gays in Pennsylvania

“The legality of same-sex marriage is inevitable,” State Sen. Daylin Leach told Philadelphia Gay News.

Leach plans to introduce a same-sex marriage bill in the Senate marking the first time marriage equality would be considered by Pennsylvania legislature, according to the paper.

“This is a historic first,” Jake Kaskey of Equality Advocates Pennsylvania said.

The legislation would not only provide full marriage rights but also recognize same-sex marriages conducted in other states.

The California Supreme Court recently ruled to revoke marriage equality and state Sen. John Eichelberger intends on proposing a ban on same-sex marriage, the paper reported, which is why Leach announced his proposal Wednesday.

“It’s on people’s minds and Pennsylvania should be part of that conversation,” he said.

Leach is currently looking for co-sponsorship of the bill.

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