New Jersey

For First Time, New Jersey Waterway Set for Dredging

Officials have decided to dredge a major New Jersey waterway for the first time.

The state Coastal Engineering Department on Thursday announced dredging of Little Egg Inlet is needed because parts of the channel have sand buildup which makes navigation challenging.

The channel is a major artery between Long Beach Island and Brigantine.

The state plans to remove around 1 million to 1.5 million cubic yards of sand to create a deeper channel. This new channel will be 25 feet below mean sea level. Officials say some parts of the current channel are only 6 feet below mean sea level. Excess sand will be used to replenish nearby beaches.

Authorities say the dredging project will have little to no impact on the Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge and fish migration.

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On Sunday at 2 a.m., we spin the clocks ahead an hour for Daylight Saving time. Gone are the days of winding clocks for smartphone users.
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Daylight Savings is observed in more than 70 countries around the world. Major areas in Asia, including China and India, do not set the clocks back because farmers are strongly against the practice.
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Daylight Savings is not observed in Arizona in the United States.
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Hawaii also chooses not the turn the clocks back.
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Philadelphia pioneer Benjamin Franklin suggested the practice as in a satirical essay in 1784, reports.
In his letter, "An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light,” Franklin said the extra hour would help people save money on candles.
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Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) implemented Daylight Saving or "war time" nationwide in 1942 to save fuel during WWII. Prior to that, Germany observed the practice during WWI for the same reason.
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In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act, and made Daylight Saving consistent across the country. At that time, some states were choosing to set the clocks back on different dates.
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The extra hour of daylight in the evening saved around 10,000 barrels of oil every day during the 1970 energy crisis, reported But overall evidence does not conclusively point to energy conservation as a result, reported.
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A study found crime dropped during the extra hour of daylight, reported National Geographic. The reason? They say criminals don't go out while the sun is still shining. The study also found that the added hour of darkness in the morning also had less crime.
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Add an hour or sunlight on Sunday.
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