A lockdown at Dover Air Force Base was lifted after every building was searched. NBC10’s Tim Furlong has the details.
A report of a suspicious person put Dover Air Force Base on lockdown this morning. The lockdown was lifted as of 2:40 p.m.
The military base located off Route 1 in Central Delaware was put on alert around 11 a.m. as a precautionary measure, according to the 436th Airlift Wing Public Affairs.
"The safety of our people is our top priority," said 436th Airlift Wing vice wing commander Col. Randy Huiss. "We take this report very seriously and are taking the necessary precautions to investigate this matter."
Dover Police said that knew of the lockdown but weren't involved in the investigation. The specific details for the lockdown was not made known, but officials said they were looking for a suspicious person.
No reports of any injuries.
No people were allowed on or off the base as the lockdown continued. When NBC10 Delaware Bureau chief Tim Furlong arrived shortly before noon, cars backed up at the entrance causing some people to even turn around and leave.
Furlong said that any visitors to the base and their vehicles are normally subjected to extensive security searches.