A big cat named Lasana is looking for a forever home. ACCT Philly has been caring for the cat since she was left at the shelter.
A chunky cat named “Lasagna” is in need of a forever home in order to help her lose weight, a local animal shelter said.
A spokesperson with ACCT Philly said someone left Lasagna outside their shelter in Philadelphia’s Hunting Park neighborhood on Sunday with a woman who was looking to adopt. The woman considered adopting Lasagna but ultimately passed due to the cat being much larger than what she was looking for.

ACCT Philly then took Lasagna in. Staff members said she’s very sweet and appears to be generally healthy though her weight has made her stiff when she walks and unable to properly groom herself.
“Obese cats can develop a lot of significant health issues, so she really needs a home where someone can help her lose the weight and be a healthy cat," Sarah Barnett of ACCT Philly said.
After photos of Lasagna went viral, the company Stouffer's stepped in and offered their popular lasagna brand for free to whoever adopted Lasagna the cat.
CLICK HERE to learn how you can adopt Lasagna and other shelter animals.
ACCT Philly dealt with budget cuts of nearly $900,000 from the city to their contract. To donate, CLICK HERE.