Temple University

Hoverboard Ban: Local Universities Boycott Popular Toy

Students, say goodbye to your newest gadget and leave it at home.

Local colleges and universities have banned the use of hoverboards on their campuses after a slew of hazards related to the popular holiday gifts.

On Friday, Temple University banned hoverboards from campus, with an announcement on their website. “Temple University is prohibiting these devices on all university campuses, including in residence halls and academic buildings, unless or until the university determines that appropriate standards can be implemented to reduce associated safety and fire risks," the statement read.

Kean University banned the devices on its Union and Ocean campuses, and said officials would confiscate any boards brought to the school.

Villanova University sent an email to students notifying them of a ban there, and requested that students leave their hoverboards at home if they had not yet returned to campus.

On Tuesday, Ursinus College prohibited the “use, possession, or storage” of the boards on campus.

Hoverboards have proven to be a safety risk in recent weeks, spontaneously catching fire while in use or charging. A popular brand of hoverboards is the target of a lawsuit regarding the fire risks.

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