
Bake Sale at Roxborough Memorial Hospital to Help Find Shane

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Roxborough Memorial Hospital is holding a bake sale in their main lobby at 9 a.m. to keep the missing college student and Roxborough native, Shane Montgomery, on people’s minds as the search continues.

A local hospital, located a short distance from the home where missing college student Shane Montgomery grew up, is hosting a bake sale Friday to help keep attention on the 21-year-old who disappeared early Thanksgiving morning, after a night out with friends.

The bake sale will take place in the lobby of Roxborough Memorial Hospital, which is located at 5800 Ridge Ave., from 9am to 12 p.m.

Ribbons in the Roxborough native's favorite color -- green -- will be handed out and all donations collected will benefit the family. Green ribbons are also associated with missing children.

Shane, a West Chester University senior and Roman Catholic High School alum, was last seen around 1:45 a.m. on Thanksgiving when he was asked to leave Kildare's Irish Pub on Main Street in Manayunk.

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Reports indicated one of the bars' bouncers spotted the missing student about an hour after he left the Main Street pub, but investigators determined the sighting was not Shane after reviewing surveillance video from the area.

Shane's parents, Kevin and Karen Montgomery, appeared on the Today Show Thursday, telling host Matt Lauer about the massive search effort and how difficult their lives have been since they first reported their son missing.

Search for Shane: Day 7

"I always knew Shane was a special kid," Karen said. "Your kids are always very special to you. I've kind of always questioned my parenting skills and I've come to the conclusion that I didn't do such a bad job with Shane and I hope that we find him soon."

Philadelphia police do not suspect foul play, although his disappearance is considered suspicious. Authorities have used K-9s, helicopters and marine units to search Manayunk and Roxborough, as well as the Schuylkill River, which borders Main Street. 

FBI Joins Search for Missing College Student

The FBI joined the search efforts Saturday and posted digital billboards over the holiday weekend in hopes of locating Shane. The federal organization's task force is often involved when a missing persons case has "suspicious circumstances," an FBI spokesperson said.

A reward for information about Shane's whereabouts climbed to $40,000 Thursday, a day after his West Chester University classmates held a candlelight vigil to show support for the search.

Search for Shane Continues

Shane, who weighs about 140 pounds and stands 5-foot-11-inches tall, was wearing a buttoned- down gray shirt, gray hoodie and jeans when he left the bar. He also has a unique Celtic cross tattoo on his shoulder.

"We're waiting for him to walk in the door, but you realize that each hour goes... it's just harder and harder," said Kevin, Shane's father.

Possible Shane Sighting Ruled Out by Investigators

Anyone with information is urged to contact Philadelphia Police at 215-686-3353/54 or the FBI at 215-418-4000.

Vigil Being Held For Missing College Student
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