New Jersey

New Jersey Statehouse Rally All About the Babies

Parents rally with babies in Trenton for better child care

Demonstrators in New Jersey's capital brought along their babies to show lawmakers that they want more support for families during budget season.

Parents, clergy and lawmakers participating in the "Think Babies" demonstration in Trenton Monday spoke broadly about the need for more affordable child care and more generous paid family leave laws. reports there were 150 babies present for the demonstration.

Rally organizer and child care nonprofit CEO Cecilia Zalkind says the rally is the beginning of a campaign targeting the currently-occurring state budget negotiations.

Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy's budget proposal includes $57 million to expand pre-K for school districts that want to launch or expand early education.

Zalkind says she hopes the governor and the Legislature will find more money for child care subsidies.

Copyright AP - Associated Press
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