Two teen boys were shot when gunfire erupted during a Friday night football game between two high schools in Philadelphia, according to police.
Hundreds of fans and family members, as well as the two football teams, were evacuated from a stadium in the Nicetown-Tioga section of Philadelphia after the shooting just before 8 p.m. The two boys who were struck, one 14 years old and the other 15, were taken to the hospital and listed in stable condition, the Philadelphia Police Department said.
The teams playing at the time were Simon Gratz High School and Imhotep Charter High School, two city schools.
The shooting happened outside Marcus Foster Memorial Stadium, a Mastery Charter Schools spokesperson said Saturday. The stadium is the home field for Simon Gratz High.
An ambulance outside the stadium appeared to take at least one victim to a nearby hospital, according to video captured by NBC10's SkyForce10 helicopter.
Correction (9:52 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 21): This story has been updated to reflect that the shooting happened outside Marcus Foster Memorial Stadium.