Montgomery County

Montgomery County man shares secret to long life after turning 100 years old

In Norristown, Montgomery County, friends and family celebrated the centennial birthday of a beloved Purple Heart war veteran with a surprise party

NBC Universal, Inc.

Looking for the secret to longevity? Richard Fida, who celebrated his 100th birthday in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania this week, shared his simple tip for a long life.

At the Senior Adult Activities Center of Montgomery County in Norristown, family and friends gathered for a surprise party to celebrate Fida's centennial birthday.

"It's a big big surprise because my wife said she didn't feel well, but she was holding me back," Fida said.

One wouldn’t think Fida is 100 years old because he didn't miss a beat when stepping into his party dancing to Frank Sinatra classics sung by a Frank Sinatra impersonator.

The theme of the part was "old New York," and on the menu? Italian food.

The party was all made possible by the Twilight Wish Foundation, a nonprofit whose mission is to honor and enrich the lives of seniors through wish-granting celebrations.

"This is once in a very rare lifetime and I thought you know he should be really celebrated, he’s done a lot for this place and he’s a great person," said Fida's wife Carli.

Fida said his secret to reaching 100 is just kindness.

"And they ask me ‘what do you attribute your longevity to?’ being nice to people. I think the Lord led me this way because I was always nice to people," said Fida.

Giving back is what Fida knows best; he served the country in the Marines during World War II, fighting along with the Black Marines, which earned him a Purple Heart.

Once honorably discharged in 1946, he worked for the Pennsylvania railroad and then for Macy’s as a part-time makeup artist, retiring at the age of 91.

"He had a very compelling story as a World War I veteran; this is unique, and we felt like this was a great wish and a great opportunity to celebrate a wonderful life,” said Twilight Wish Foundation Executive Director Peter Stinson.

"I can’t believe they did this for me, I hope I get to live another 100 to do this again," said Fida.

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