Toast to Good Beer and a Better Environment

NBC 10 features "Green in Universal" weel

Welcome to Yards Brewery.  A boutique brewery located in the Northern Liberties section of Philadelphia.  Despite its' small size, the people who work there are trying to make a big impact on the environment.

How? Well, for starters, the electricity they use comes from wind-generated turbines in Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains.  The air conditioning in the cooling room comes from the water used to cool the vats (something used to cook the beer in) rather than Freon and compressors.

The beer boxes used to pack the beer are made from recycled materials. And, they are made locally, which cuts down on the cost of shipping.

Get this: almost half of the employees who work at Yards Brewery ride their bikes to work (going green and getting a nice workout in the process) Speaking of bikes,  Yards uses "bike power" to get rid of it's recycled materials.

Business is growing and that's good. But, besides making a profit, Tom Kehoe, President of Yards Brewery, hopes to make a difference.

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