Throw on Spandex and Head to the Wall

Manayunk Bike Race organizers fought hard to raise half a million dollars and thanks to their efforts, the 25th annual race will take place this Sunday, June 7.

But you don't have to strap on a helmet and polish that seat to take part in the festivities.

Head to the Art Museum to catch the bikers as they zip by in one of the longest single-day bike races in the U.S. -- 156 miles!

Then get to Manayunk for parties as far as the eye can see. Not only can you hit Main Street hotspots like Mad River, Manayunk Brew Pub or Bourbon Blue but you can walk the streets, find friends and party hop.

If you've never been, we highly suggest you go. Just be sure to get a good night's sleep 'cause with a 9 a.m. start time, it's gonna be a long day.

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