
Madeleine Dean, Running for Pennsylvania's 4th Congressional District in the 2018 Midterm Elections

Madeleine Dean

Office Sought: U.S. House (Pennsylvania's 4th Congressional District)

Political Party: Democrat

Age: 59

Career: Attorney; state lawmaker

Campaign Website:

No. of Tweets: 638

No. of Facebook Followers: 1,882

Biography: Born and raised in Glenside, Pennsylvania, Madeleine Dean volunteered at 19 for Joe Hoeffel’s re-election campaign to the state legislature — a seat she holds currently. Former practitioner of law and small business consultant, she's also served as an assistant professor, news contributor, and public servant. Since being elected to the State House, Madeleine has been an outspoken and active progressive member. She works with local officials to create projects that promote safer, more livable, and greener communities to the area she represents.

On the Issues: 

"Madeleine believes every person has a right to affordable, accessible, quality healthcare. The Affordable Care Act started this process; Madeleine wants to work in Congress to support universal healthcare that is economically balanced to fulfill the promise that our government made in 2010. Madeleine will make sure that those who have dutifully paid into our security net have access to Social Security and Medicare in their retirement. She stands unequivocally with women in their right to control their own bodies and believes safe, accessible, quality reproductive health is a fundamental right and need of our communities."

Economy and Infrastructure
"Madeleine knows strong economies and healthy communities are built on solid infrastructure. Our bridges, roads, and transportation systems--airports, rail, and ports--need to be modernized to keep our travelers safe, our economy on time, and attract businesses looking to invest in Montgomery County and Pennsylvania. The people that build this better future are integral to its success, ensuring our workers are fairly compensated with a livable minimum wage, and well trained, supporting organized labor whenever possible. This includes guaranteeing unions the right to organize and represent their members without having to face restrictions or attack from misguided legislation. We also need a tax plan that benefits low and blue-collar workers, with the ultra wealthy paying their fair share."

Gun Violence
"It is past time to confront gun violence as a public health crisis. After the shooting in Sandy Hook, Madeleine co-founded the gun safety group PA SAFE Caucus authoring legislation for universal background checks, extreme risk protection orders, and a ban on 'bump stocks.' In Congress, Madeleine will help pass common sense legislation to make sure weapons of war cannot be used to kill innocent people, and repeal federal laws that bar funding for research on gun violence as a public health issue. Enough is enough."

The Opioid Crisis
"The opioid epidemic has exploded over the past few years, killing 64,000 people last year in Americ. We are only beginning to see it for what it is: a disease that we must treat with robust funding for programs, research and education; punishment for the people and industries that profit from addiction; and compassion for those it afflicts."

Sexual Harm
"We must end the culture that enables and covers-up sexual harassment, including in the government. This is a scourge that must be stopped and we all have the power to stand up. Madeleine will stand up in Congress to take actions that empower the victims and punish the harasser. Sexual harassment reforms are needed throughout the nation, and it is time that elected leaders lead by example, rather than being the exception to it."

"As a former professor, Madeleine knows that the key to a successful future is quality education. Ensuring quality includes making sure students and educators are well supported with adequate funding and safe learning environments for pre-K-12, special education, college, and technical training. Students that choose to further their education should not be burdened by life-long debt. Madeleine will work to cap interest rates for prospective students, and work to help students with debt to refinance at a fair rate."

"Lawmakers have a responsibility to protect and preserve our environment, air, water, and land for ourselves and for the generations to come. This means putting conservation before exploitation of our natural resources, and robustly funding organizations like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who oversee essential regulatory practices. The United States must be a global leader in environmental preservation. This starts with our country rejoining the Paris Environmental Agreement. Technological advancements have also made 100% renewable energies attainable within our lifetime. With governmental commitment, the rapidly growing green energy industry has the ability to stimulate our economy, create jobs, and help our environment."

Empowering Diverse Communities
"The countless diverse communities that make up our nation — minorities, LGBTQ, immigrants, veterans, the disabled, and so many more — brings richness and completeness to our nation. To protect this integral part of our identity, Madeleine supports broadening anti-discrimination laws, expanding and enforcing ADA requirements, and grant and tax programs that support minority, disabled, and veteran owned businesses. She also supports expanding successful special veteran and drug courts, ending of the cash bail system, limiting imprisonment for non-violent crimes—especially minor drug convictions – and rolling back mandatory minimum sentencing."

"We must take steps to strengthen our legal immigration system. This includes a path to citizenship for talented people who want to be part of our country – and reinstating DACA to allow the dreamers to be able to stay in our country without fear. Like the rest of us, they should be able to live the American Dream without fear of their government."

Global Trade
"We live in a global economy, but we need to craft our tariffs and trade regulations so that first and foremost they are fair to American businesses and workers. We must be sure that our tariff negotiations build stronger relationships with trusted trading partners, and hold countries that exploit or abuse international trade relations, like China, accountable. Madeleine will fight for thoughtful trade regulations and tariffs that will grow the U.S. economy, support American workers, build our influence on the global market, and crack down on countries and businesses that we know cheat the system."

"As our most important ally in the Middle East, we must remain dedicated to preserving the sovereignty of the Jewish state’s rightful home. This includes aiding in her defense against both financial and physical threats, and working on diplomatic final status negotiations for a peaceful resolution to conflicts in the region."

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