New Jersey

Josh Welle, Running For New Jersey's 4th Congressional District in 2018 Midterm Elections

Josh Welle

Office Sought: New Jersey 4th Congressional

Political Party: Democrat

Age: 38

Campaign Website:

No. of Tweets: 1,173

No. of Facebook followers: 4,335

Biography: Welle is a military veteran who served 12 years in the Navy, including tours in Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf and East Asia. Born in Trenton and raised in Wall, he touts his experience with national security, public policy and business.

On the Issues: 

Campaign Finance Reform
"We need to overturn the Supreme Court Citizens United decision. I am not accepting any corporate PAC money because we need to get big money out of our politics. Too many of our Congressmen and Congresswoman are beholden to big mega-donors and rely on Super-PAC money to get re-elected. They are no longer accountable to the men and women who they claim to represent. Campaign finance reform is essential for this country to get back on track. I support a Constitutional Amendment that would overturn the Citizens United decision to keep special interests from calling the shots in our democracy. We also have to pass legislation that would require outside groups like the NRA and Super-PACs to disclose their contributions and spending. We deserve to know who is trying to influence our elections."

"Access to a quality education, from pre-K to college is key to creating a strong and talented workforce to make America more competitive in the global economy. In Washington, I will support universal pre-K so every child has access to the head-start that they need. I will lead the charge on opposing the devastating cuts to public education that Betsy Devos and this Congress are prioritizing. Student debt is crippling our young people’s chances for achieving the American dream. Working to make college more affordable while also increasing funding for technical and vocational schools is an absolute must in this country. And we need to invest in our teachers. As the son of an English teacher, I know that teachers are leaders of this country. Investment in our teachers is an investment in our economy. Making sure that teachers are properly trained and continually supported but also have competitive wages is essential."

"Climate change threatens our health, our national security, our economy, and our future. Hurricane Sandy devastated our region, and we are still recovering from its effects. We must be working with federal authorities to not only rebuild but to effectively plan and prepare for the future to create a more resilient coastline. We as a country also need to embrace the energy economy. I will work to invest in the good paying jobs that clean energy technology can bring to our region. When I am elected it will be the first time in 38 years that Central Jersey will have a Congressman that believes climate change is real and we have to act now to protect our future."

LGBTQ+ Rights
"No American should be treated differently because of who they love. I support full federal equality for LGBTQ Americans because their rights ARE human rights. As your Congressman, I will stand up to career politicians like Chris Smith that put their own backward ideology ahead of the people of the 4th Congressional district. I think that if you want to serve your country like I had the privilege of doing in the Navy, you absolutely should be able to, regardless of your gender identity. And that means overturning the efforts of this Congress and administration to ban transgender soldiers from the military. In Washington, I will lead efforts to preserve the Marriage Equality and defends LGBTQ rights against legislation that attempts to legalize discrimination based on sexual orientation. And we have to work to lower the staggering rate of suicide among LGBTQ youth by taking on bullying and harassment in schools and on social media."

Gun Violence Prevention
"America leads the world in gun violence and we must take sensible action to address it. As a post 9/11 veteran who served in Afghanistan, I know the importance of responsibility and safety when it comes to these powerful weapons. I think we as a country can protect the Second Amendment and the rights of responsible gun owners but also keep our children safe in schools and on the streets. I support universal background checks to close dangerous loopholes that put guns in the hands of criminals and domestic abusers. I support a ban of assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and bump stock-like accessories to keep weapons of war off our streets. This issue is about saving the lives of everyday Americans and we here in Central Jersey deserve a Congressman who will make that a priority."

"Affordable, universal health care is a human right. The Affordable Care Act was far from perfect but I believe we need leaders in the Congress who will work to fix what is wrong, instead of voting to strip millions of people of their health care. We have to work across the aisle to prioritize making sure people with pre-existing conditions are covered, that we improve the quality of care, reduce premiums and out of pocket costs, and drastically reduce the prices of prescription drugs. We also need to support Planned Parenthood. For so long Planned Parenthood has provided quality care to the women of New Jersey, and in Congress, I would make sure it is fully funded. For too long Congress has repeatedly voted to take healthcare away from over 400,000 New Jerseyans without a plan to replace it. I want to go to Washington to protect the health and dignity of the people of this district."

Immigration Reform
"America’s diverse workforce, with talent from every corner of the globe, is what makes our country the best and most successful in the world; and it is no wonder that so many seek a better future in the United States. Our country will always welcome immigrants, but our immigration policy should be handled responsibly to preserve the safety of our citizens. I believe that it is past time that we pass comprehensive immigration reform that provides a clear pathway to legal and equal citizenship, treats immigrants with dignity while upholding the law and protecting our border and national security. We need to embrace and defend DACA to ensure that the bright young people who want to contribute to our economy have the right to do so."

"Central New Jersey is located between the two major markets of New York and Philadelphia. Within the state, CD-4 stretches from the state capital to the shore. I’ve watched businesses and residents suffer due to a crumbling and antiquated mass transit system. To fix this and bring jobs back to New Jersey we need a comprehensive infrastructure bill, which is something both Democrats and Republicans can agree on yet there has been no action. In Washington, I will lead the charge to secure federal funding for the Gateway Project which will double train capacity and allow high-speed service between Philadelphia and New York, and beyond.
Fixing our infrastructure is not only essential to our economic future but for the safety of our families. Being able to travel safely on our roads and bridges is a peace of mind that I hope to give to the people of Central Jersey. It is also imperative that we make sure that we can give our kids safe drinking water. The degradation of our infrastructure here in the 4th district has lead to a crisis in places like Hamilton where the drinking water has become all but toxic."

Jobs and Tax Reform
"Too many businesses and residents are leaving Central New Jersey because of the rising cost of living, the difficulty working families face to get ahead, and the number of hurdles to run a small business. As a former small business owner, I understand the challenges involved in starting and maintaining a small business in America. New Jersey is a leader in innovative technologies. We have to continue to invest in our communities by attracting new industries. To do that we must invest in infrastructure and worker retraining programs. In Central Jersey, we should be the epicenter of a world in which our young people are learning skilled trades while our older generation has the opportunity to retrain in exciting fields like automation. We have to start by allowing entrepreneurs to defer student loans with no interest while they get their businesses off the ground. We have to cut all the red tape to streamline starting that business. And finally, we have to lower and stabilize taxes by doing things like removing the mortgage deduction cap on real estate taxes."

National Security
"As a post 9/11 veteran, I have spent my life fighting to protect this country and the freedoms that make America a leader in the world. Our first line of defense in this country has to be diplomacy. Prioritizing funding and staffing the State Department is essential. We as a country must keep our commitments to NATO and stand by our allies. We need a Congress who will stand up when our Commander-in-Chief allies himself with enemies of the United States instead of our intelligence communities. Protecting our country and its citizens from terrorists is not a partisan issue. We have to stand together in the face of threats from countries like North Korea and Iran. The human rights violations and nuclear capabilities of these countries pose a direct threat to the stability of this world and therefore need to be met with strong military presence and a robust defense program to protect ourselves. Uniting to protect ourselves here at home is also a must. In Washington, I will push for legislation that promotes innovative technological solutions to protect our networks here at home from foreign influence. We, as a country, also need to support our first responders, law enforcement, and intelligence officers by giving them the resources, training, and tools they need to keep New Jersey families safe."

Social Security and Medicare
"This Congress and Administration have made it very clear that a major priority of their agenda is to gut Social Security and Medicare. I think this is a betrayal of the American people and especially our seniors. Washington wants to pay for their tax cuts for the wealthy from the pockets of our hardworking and retired seniors. This cannot happen and I will oppose any legislation that would privatize or cut Social Security and Medicare. This is a matter of dignity and knowing that the system that you worked hard to pay into is also working hard for you. We also need to take major steps toward improving the quality of care in Medicare. We need to expand Medicare and take a page from the VA’s playbook in allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices to bring the immense cost of pharmaceuticals down."

Substance Abuse
"Substance abuse has become one of the greatest epidemics to ever threaten our country. Overcoming addiction requires a comprehensive approach that includes fundamental shifts in education, the healthcare industry, and law enforcement policies. We can’t sit back any longer and watch so many of our families be torn apart by this national health crisis. This country deserves leaders in Congress that are committed to investing in enforcement, treatment, and prevention. We need to invest in education and prevention. We need to make sure people have access to effective treatment. And we need to hold everyone accountable, from the drug dealers to the drug companies, that are profiting from this scourge of addition."

Veterans and Military Families
"One of the greatest honors of my life was to serve in the Navy to protect the citizens and freedoms of this country. But Washington has to do more for the brave men and women putting their lives on the line and the families at home that support them. No veteran should have to wait for medical or mental health care services. I am committed to bringing the VA into the 21st century by improving the technology infrastructure and also expanding services provided. As a country we also have to commit to making sure our veterans can return and find good paying jobs. Through my ten years of active duty I witnessed first hand the unique skills that men and women of the military develop. I want to make sure that we have people in Congress who will invest in connecting those skills to the American workforce and create prosperous economic futures for the people who so fiercely protect this country. I also know first hand the toll that service can take on military families and we as a country need to do better in supporting them. As a Congressman I will work to increase access and affordability of childcare and also commit to family leave policies. We also have to commit to supporting and expanding career opportunities for military spouses at home to ensure they have their own economic freedom."

Women's Rights
"We are at a crisis point in American history when it comes to women’s health and rights. We have a Congress and an administration that are unapologetic about their anti-woman agenda.In Chris Smith we have a Congressman who believes women do not have the right to make decisions about their own bodies and if he had it his way, would overturn Roe v. Wade. His 38 year record on women makes very clear where he stands: defunding Planned Parenthood is a major priority for him, he voted against the Violence Against Women Act, he believes some forms of contraception should be illegal, and believes abortion should be 100% illegal even in the case of rape or when the woman’s life is at risk. For the first time, the 4th Congressional District has a candidate in me that will without question, stand up for a woman’s right to choose. For the first time, this district has a candidate who will work to fully fund Planned Parenthood so they can continue to provide women of this district and country with affordable and safe healthcare. We also need to make a commitment to women in the workplace. We have to confront the physical and sexual abuse of women head on because women have the right to a safe work environment, period. Committing to equal pay is also a major investment in our economic future as a country. Passing equal pay legislation is simply a way to better support families here in Central Jersey and allow them to thrive."

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