Hidden Tracks: Andrew Lipke's Prospects are Sound

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I’ve had a passion for music since I was young and my father would play his “101 Strings” albums at an unbearable level, for what seemed to me to be way too early on a Sunday morning. If you don’t know who or what “101 Strings” were you should be glad. But Google it sometime and turn the volume up LOUD.

You see, my house was one of the rare ones where the kids were yelling at their parents to turn their music down.  But through that, I think I gained a great appreciation for a wide range of music.

Yes, I grew up with a proper rock education. I have 6 older siblings. But because of my parents I learned to enjoy everything from Sinatra to Glenn Miller to Mario Lanza. But everyone knows who they are. Or, rather were.

So it’s the love of music that brings me to this blog. And my hope is to expose you, dear reader; to artists you might not otherwise have heard.

Music’s a funny thing though. Sometimes you can hear a song several times over and never think anything of it. But then other times, from the first note, you know that this is going to be something special.

It was that way with Andrew Lipke and the Prospects. His latest release “Motherpearl and Dynamite” had me hooked from the first song. But I will admit my favorite artists are usually singer/songwriters. I’m fascinated with the way a good songwriter puts his words together. And anyone who can use the phrase “don’t ever change, I beseech you” in a lyric is my kind of songwriter.

The best way I can describe his musical style is ethereal, with an undercurrent of menace. Listening to songs like “Mindgames” or “The Barker Song” you hear the menace come through in the heavy guitars and the driving cello; yes I said cello. But there are softer moments, which are just as enjoyable, songs such as “Forgive and Forget”.  He even has a way of making “After the Goldrush”, a cover of the Neil Young song, his own.

This is a very good record, one that hasn’t left my cd player and doesn’t plan to for some time. It’s released through Mad Dragon Records, which is affiliated with Drexel University.
I know it’s hard to trust the opinion of someone you don’t know, which is why I’ve included a song from Andrew’s record. So check out my personal favorite from his cd, “Sweet Changin’ Heart”.

Click and discover Andrew Lipke. I beseech you.

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