New Jersey

Daryl Kipnis, Running For New Jersey's 12th Congressional District in 2018 Midterm Elections

Daryl Kipnis

Office Sought: New Jersey 12th Congressional

Political Party: Republican

Age: 38

Campaign Website:

No. of Tweets: 568

No. of Facebook followers: 1,235

Biography: Kipnis, 38, says he wants to increase New Jersey's clout in Washington D.C.; the Republican Franklin lawyer says he "combines the work ethic of a businessman & vigorous professional advocacy of an attorney, with the core values of a Central New Jerseyan to improve the lives of all his constituents."

On the Issues: 

Education and Debt
"Roughly 70 percent of college graduates leave college with student loan debt, and the more than 42 million Americans currently total almost $1.4 trillion in outstanding debt, according to the latest U.S. Department of Education data. Sadly, many of them are unable to find employment that enables them to make standard repayments while also allowing them to provide for their families, if they can find employment at all. Daryl will introduce legislation to clarify the 'undue hardship' standard for discharging student loans in bankruptcy so that borrowers who truly need relief can seek it in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, while working to increase the availability of student loan modification and assistance programs to a broader spectrum of borrowers. He will also work on addressing the causes of the current crisis, including the rising cost of college tuition, as well as educating parents and students regarding the return on investment of a degree compared to other alternatives, like vocational and technical schools. He will look carefully and critically at the student loan approval process and the potentially predatory lending practices that it creates."

"Every resident of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District should stand up and demand that their congressperson vigorously seek additional federal funding to improve our state’s failing roads, bridges, transportation modes, energy delivery systems and water supplies. That is precisely what Daryl will do in Washington. Daryl will work together with President Trump’s administration and other members of congress to maximize the appropriation of federal tax dollars returning to New Jersey where they are needed the most, and finally end New Jersey’s status as a “sender state,” getting back only 60 percent of what we send. Hundreds of thousands of residents’ commutes to New York and Pennsylvania each day and the road, bridge and rail infrastructure they use to get there must be maintained safely and efficiently to benefit our people. Daryl will make sure this funding is in place, protecting his constituents."

"Daryl will draw upon his experience as an immigration attorney to advocate for America’s vibrant immigrant community. He supports the passage of a DREAM Act that would give approximately 1.8 million DACA recipients who were brought to the country as children a path to United States citizenship, and immigration reforms which will assist others in retaining resident status and streamlining their path to citizenship as well. Additionally, he seeks to expand the opportunity to welcome working families to unite and build their lives in America, while simultaneously defending the integrity and security of our borders."

"As a proud conservative Jewish-American, Daryl will pursue policies which honor and strengthen the indelible bond between the United States of America and our greatest ally, the Jewish State of Israel. He will vehemently oppose “Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions” (BDS) efforts."

"Daryl believes that K-12 education should be left up to the towns and local boards of education to decide what is best for children. He supports, and will vote to, eliminate the U.S. Department of Education, and use block grants to the states instead. He is also an advocate for parental control in education decision making, supporting homeschool and charter school initiatives where they make sense. He opposes and seeks the elimination of the failed Common Core experiment and the use of standardized testing, such as PARCC, to measure a student's educational performance. Daryl also supports the emergence of new educational models that will foster great American progress as we head into the 2020’s and beyond. He will champion initiatives that expand the availability of post-secondary vocational and technical education, address workforce imbalances, such as the current surplus of 'middle-skill' jobs in New Jersey relative to applicants, and build relationships between high-growth potential industries and those institutions that will educate and train the future workforce."

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