Tomorrow and Saturday at the Prince Music Theater, corporate scandal goes the way of the dance. Get tickets today for the Friday and Saturday night performances of the Rebecca Davis Dance Company's "Greed: The Tale of Enron."
The production is more than just white-haired corporate types in three-piece suits "side-stepping" the truth (ba dum bum), it's a larger exploration of the psyches of the executive who brought the company to ruin and of how the outcome may have been different under female leadership. Choreographer and company founder Rebecca Davis knows of which she speaks – she earned her M.B.A. from Temple's Fox Business School.
Set to a soundtrack of alternative rock, the greed, ambition and deception that ultimately caused the company's downfall are all conveyed through movement, instead of words. For those still in doubt that the corporate scandal can translate to this medium, epic themes are all present in this modern-day power struggle; it just also involves email, fax machines and the stock market.
Tickets are $30 and are available at the Prince box office.