Corn Bread Stuffing

Corn Bread Stuffing
Yield: 2 quarts
  • Dried corn bread cubed                                        5 1/3 Cups
  • Dried dinner rolls cubed                                       5 1/3 Cups
  • Diced onions                                                           2/3 Cup
  • Diced celery                                                             2/3 Cup
  • Pan & grill oil                                                            1 1/3 Cups
  • Black pepper                                                            1 Tsp
  • Marjoram                                                                   1 Tsp
  • Thyme                                                                        1 Tsp
  • Chicken Base                                                           4 Tsp
  • Hot water                                                                   1 qts
  • Non-stick aerosol spray
  1. Spray 2” deep pan with non-stick spray.
  2. Put bread cubes, oil, and veggies into bowl and mix.
  3. Stir in chicken base to hot water in pitcher, mix, then add dry spices to pitcher.
  4. Pour contents of pitcher into bowl and mix.
  5. Add mixture to pan, wrap with foil.
  6. Bake for 1 hour at 350°, removing cover 40 minutes through cooking process.
Yield: 1 gallon
  • Granulated sugar                                                    2 Cups
  • Water                                                                         3.5 Cups
  • Ground cinnamon                                                   1 Tsp
  • Ginger                                                                       .5 Tsp
  • Orange Juice                                                            3.5 Cups
  • Lemon Juice                                                             1.75 Cups
  • Apple Juice                                                                7 Cups
  • Ground All Spice                                                      .5 Tsp
  • Ground Cloves                                                          1 Tsp
  1. Combine all ingredients in a kettle or braising pan and slowly bring to a boil.
  2. Allow Wassail to simmer for 20 minutes then serve.
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