
PennDOT Sends Help to Snowy Buffalo

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A team of 20 workers from the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and PennDOT are in Buffalo through the weekend to help clear off I-90 which is still buried under several feet of snow.

PennDOT didn’t leave Buffalo, New York out in the cold.

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and PennDOT lent some of their employees to help with snow-removal in the city coated in several feet of snow in mid-November.

PTC sent 20 employees from different parts of the state to Buffalo, where lake-effect snow continues to build up and claim lives.

"Weather is unpredictable and can have huge impacts on travel, commerce and our communities," PennDOT Secretary Barry J. Schoch said. "In situations like this, I am proud that our team of professionals is called on for assistance, and we’re happy to provide that help.”

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PennDOT sent 20 men, who volunteered their time, according to PTC CEO Mark Compton, along with four flatbed trailers to haul heavy equipment, five front-end loaders and five front-mounted snowblowers.

The department of transportation also set aside eight to 10 snow-removal crews on standby, ready to head to chilly New York if need be.

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