A new survey shows Tea Party-backed candidate Christine O'Donnell taking a 47-44 lead, for the first time in Tuesday's Delaware primary.
The nation is watching Tuesday's primary election in the First State, espcially the U.S. Senate race now considered too close to call, according to a new poll by Public Policy Polling. Republican establishment candidate Mike Castle was considered the likely victor and also an easy winner in the November election against Democrat Chris Coons.
In 2008 O'Donnell lost the election to then-Senator Joe Biden. Biden later resigned his Senate seat to become Vice-Preisdent. Biden aide Ted Kauman was appointed as the interim Senator, and declared that he would not run in the 2010 special election for the full term.
The Castle campaign has reported spending more than $1.5 million on the primary election. Campaign finance reports show spending approaching $350,000 by the O'Donnell campaign. The Tea Party Express has spent an estimated $300,000 for radio and TV ads supporting O'Donnell. A new radio ad and robocall are circulating, featuring conservative favorite Sarah Palin.
Late last week, the Independence Hall Tea Party PAC held an impromptu press conference accusing Castle of snubbing O'Donnell for refusing to debate his primary challenger. Castle has been quoted as saying he has no intention of talking to O'Donnell.
Both candidates have been on the attack. The 41-year-old O'Donnell calls Castle the most liberal Republican in Congress. Castle, 71, has served as Delaware's lone member of the U.S. House since 1993. Castle says his opponent is lying about his record and he's been making an issue of her reported financial troubles.
Polls are open in Delaware from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday.