Reward Increased in Main Line Jewelry Store Robbery

Police say six men robbed the Bernie Robbins jewelry store at the Radnor Hotel on Feb. 22

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The Bernie Robbins Jewelry Store in Radnor Township, was robbed Wednesday night around 6:30 p.m. Investigators say, that several armed robbers rushed in the store and smashed the Rolex watch cases. Police are searching for the suspects. NBC10’s Justin Pizzi reports the details.

The reward has been increased to $10,000 for anyone with information leading to the arrest and conviction of six suspects, in a smash and grab robbery at a Main Line jewelry store.

It happened Wednesday around 6:30 p.m. at the Bernie Robbins jewelry store at the Radnor Hotel on East Lancaster Avenue in Wayne. Investigators say it occurred around an hour before closing while sales people were waiting on customers inside.

The robbers were armed with guns and a hammer during the robbery, according to investigators. While it’s unclear how much jewelry they stole, police say they smashed two Rolex watch cases. Fortunately no one was hurt.

If you have information about this crime, call 215-546-TIPS.

Police Search for Smash and Grab Thieves
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