National Spotlight Shined on Unsolved Radio Host's “Horrific Murder”

As the search for April Kauffman’s killer continues, the New Jersey homicide is getting a new look on “America’s Most Wanted.”

“After 17 months for someone to have been shot brutally -- killed in her own home, murdered -- it’s not OK that the (shooter) is still free. That’s a very scary thought.”

Nearly a year and a half after Kimberly Peck’s mother April Kauffman’s body was found, there is no closure.

“I never expected to be at this point at this stage,” Peck told NBC10 Monday. “I really thought that we would actually have some closure at this point and it’s really difficult.”

Kauffman, 47, a popular local radio host and veterans advocate was found shot dead in the bedroom of her Linwood, N.J. home on May 10, 2012.

“I miss her like crazy… my mom was 47 years old, we were like sisters. I feel like such a part of me is missing.”

Peck has struggled to come to terms with her mother’s death while doing all she can to keep her mother’s name out there including holding vigils, talking to local papers and keeping in touch with prosecutors in hopes that Kauffman’s killer is found.

“It’s very important for us to keep it alive because we want there to be attention on this issue… the bottom line is somebody breached her domicile, came in and murdered her in cold blood and they’re still living and walking amongst us and that’s not OK,” Peck said.

Authorities said soon after the killing that they didn’t believe Kauffman’s killing was random. But no suspect or person of interest has ever been named in the case and most recently prosecutors said they lacked sufficient evidence in the case.

“All I want at the end of the day is justice for her and justice means the capture and conviction of the person responsible and I think our citizens have earned that too.”

Peck recently got in contact with a friend’s friend at America’s Most Wanted and the national website agreed to run Kauffman’s unsolved murder on its website. Peck hoped that the national exposure on would bring a break in the case.

“Maybe this can bring the tip that can help solve this horrific murder.”

Peck said she is still struggling to come to terms with her mother’s death, especially since she doesn’t have friends who can relate.

“To not have control of anything and to not feel like I can help in any way is very frustrating.”

Peck said that a difficult part of the wait for her mother’s killer to be brought to justice is explaining to her teary-eyed 7-year-old son why his grandmother’s killer remains free.

“He keeps asking me if the police caught the bad guy yet. And that’s really difficult because you don’t want to take hope away from a little boy and you don’t want to feel hopeless yourself so you say, ‘not yet but I’m sure they’re gonna get him.’”

Peck appreciates all the support herself and her family has received from the Linwood community and especially veterans groups that have honored her mother.

But for all the vigils, events and honors, Peck has no closure.

“The biggest frustration is not having resolution at this time.”

Peck said she appreciates any advice or tips and that she is all ears in hopes she can be at peace.

“If I get resolve for this situation I can finally grieve my mom,” Peck said. “How can you grieve somebody when everything is still so up in the air?”

Anyone with information in this case can call AMW at 1-800-CRIME-TV.

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