Philly Among Most Stressed Out Cities in America

Check below for the reasons why and how we compare to other cities.

Philadephia is No. 9 on on a list of Most Stressed Cities conducted by a Movoto Real Estate Blog. Find out what factors were taken into account.

Take a deep breath, count to ten and sign up for that yoga class. According to a new study by a popular real estate website, we’re under a lot of stress.

Philadelphia was named the ninth most stressed out city in the country by Two cities in New Jersey also made the list, with Newark at number 8 and Jersey City at number 5.

Here is the full list:

1. Washington, DC
2. New York, NY
3. Miami, FL
4. San Francisco, CA
5. Jersey City, NJ
6. Oakland, CA
7. Chicago, IL
8. Newark, NJ
9. Philadelphia, PA
10. Los Angeles, CA

Movoto weighed in several factors when creating their list, including commute time, unemployment, cost of living, crime and hours worked. The website cited Philly’s high population density and long commute time as reasons for the stress.

Hang in there Philly. If the yoga doesn’t work, you could always utter the immortal words of Dr. Buddy Rydell.

Check out the Movoto article for more information on their study.

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