An Upper Chichester woman waived her preliminary hearing after being accused of having sex with her son’s 15-year-old friend, according to the Delco Times.
Teri Mezzatesta, 34, was arrested back on January 27 after her 14-year-old son spoke with investigators about an incident that occurred back on November 15. The boy told police he and his 15-year-old friend were at his home smoking marijuana. The teen passed out in his bedroom sometime after dinner, according to the affidavit.
The boy claims he awoke several hours later to the sound of his mother’s voice. The affidavit states that he walked into the living room and saw his mother having sexual intercourse with his friend.
The boy told police that he became enraged, punched his friend in the face and threw him out of the house. His mother then told him not to tell anyone about what happened or else she would go to jail, according to the affidavit.
The boy then told police his friend returned, claiming he had nowhere to go. The boy claims he let his friend borrow his cell phone. When his friend returned the phone to him two days later, the boy claims he saw text messages from his mother to his friend that were of a sexual nature.
According to the affidavit the boy then went to school officials and told them what he saw. The officials then called police.
The boy’s 15-year-old friend was interviewed by police. According to the affidavit, he gave an account similar to the one given by Mezzatesta’s son. Police also say he claimed Mezzatesta purchased margarita coolers which the two drank. The 15-year-old then claims the two had sex which Mezzatesta initiated.
Mezzatesta told police a different story however when she was interviewed. Police say she claimed she had been drinking that night and fell asleep on the couch. She says she awoke to the sound of her son screaming and saw his 15-year-old friend on top of her. She told police the teen had sexually assaulted her.
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After further investigation, police arrested Mezzatesta and remanded her to the Delaware County prison in lieu of $100,000 cash bail.
Teri Mezzatesta

During a court appearance on Tuesday, Mezzatesta and her attorney agreed to waive her hearing on charges of statutory sexual assault and false swearing in official matters by falsely incriminating another, according to the Delco Times. The Times also reports an assistant District Attorney agreed to withdraw charges of indecent sexual assault and indecent assault on a person less than 16, corruption of minors, furnishing liquor to a minor and unlawful contact with a minor on the condition that Mezzatesta waive the other two charges and agree to a nontrial disposition of her case, according to the Delco Times.
Her attorney asked the judge to reduce Mezzatesta’s bail to $50,000 unsecured, claiming his client is the main caregiver for her disabled grandmother. The judge changed her bail to $100,000 unsecured and ordered her placed on electronic home monitoring. She is also prohibited from having any contact with minors as a condition of her bail.