Former Del. middle school principal charged with raping student for 4 years
A former middle school principal in Delaware was charged with raping and sexually abusing a student for several years over a decade ago.
Navigating Philadelphia's Roads: Attorney Greg Prosmushkin on Helping Auto Accident Victims
In the state’s most populous city of Philadelphia, home to 1.6 million people, it’s unsurprising that more motor vehicle accidents occur in the bustling city than any other in Pennsylvania...Promoted By The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin -
These Philadelphia suburbs are among ‘Best Places to Live in America'
These suburban Philadelphia cities are among the top places to live in America in 2025 according to a new study
Bucks Co. man tried to kill driver over late food delivery, police claim
A 32-year-old Richlandtown man was arrested after he, allegedly, fired a gun at a food delivery driver. The shot was so close to hitting the driver that an officer found pieces of the bullet that fell... -
Pa. man scattered nails around apparent Trump supporters' vehicles, police say
Police officials in Lower Makefield Township have arrested a Yardley man after he, allegedly, threw nails around the vehicles and parking spots of those he called, ‘Trumpers,’ in an effort...