
Lighting Ceremony Held for Reading's “Charlie Brown” Christmas Tree


A lighting ceremony was held Saturday for the infamous “Charlie Brown” Christmas tree in Reading, Pennsylvania.

The 50-foot spruce tree was lit during a rededication ceremony in Penn Square around 5:30 p.m. Mayor Vaughn D. Spencer, City Council President Francis G. Acosta and Reading residents attended the ceremony.

The city was at the center of controversy in November after many residents called it “ugly” and even compared it to the sad-looking tree in “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Acosta initially led a group of citizens interested in having the spruce replaced by a fuller tree.

Acosta later changed his mind however and instead decided to have residents redecorate the tree.
Another tree, which was meant to serve as the replacement, instead went up in Reading’s City Park.

After Saturday’s rededication ceremony, several public showings of “A Charlie Brown Christmas” were held at a nearby movie theater.

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