Children marched through the streets of Camden on Sunday and called for an end to the violence. A parade full of music and signs carrying powerful messages, came to an end at Stanley Park in the city struggling with violent crime.
An organization called Saving Grace sponsored the event and prepared an afternoon full of fun activities for the 64 children who have lost a parent, in some cases both parents, to violence in Camden, so far this year.
Nyzia Easterling started Saving Grace after her own husband was shot to death in 2003. She was left to raise a child by herself and says she knows what it's like to walk in the shoes of the adults trying to care for the children left behind.
Saving Grace offers after-school programs, grief counseling and provides services that help prepare children for school. Easterling says the 64 kids whose lives were changed forever by violence need to be reminded that they can succeed and also be given the tools to do it.
"How many will go to college, how many will have the opportunity coming from the city of Camden? Somebody has to put that drive and passion into the children now so they can want to take over the city, want to be better in life. So, I decided since I know how hard it was I wanted to partner with the parents and the guardians and city officials to save our young people here in the city," said Easterling.