Nutter to Philly: Have a Plan, Be Prepared, Take Action

Governor Tom Corbett and Mayor Michael Nutter held press conferences Sunday afternoon in which they warned residents to be prepared for Sandy.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett held a press conference Sunday afternoon in which he warned residents statewide about Hurricane Sandy. Here are some notable excerpts from the press conference:

We are especially paying attention to refineries in Southeastern Pa…
There is a potential for trees to come down…

Be prepared to stay in your home for an extended period of time for a few days and possibly without power and water…

If you live in a flood-prone area, be prepared to evacuate if called upon. Have your important docs to take with you.

City Residents Warned to Get Ready

Once you are in a safe place, the best thing to do is stay there and keep off those roads…

The sustained high winds are going to have a great impact on knowing down power lines all across the state…

Flood-Prone Philly Areas on Alert

Be prepared for this. It’s incumbent upon individual citizens to take care of themselves…

If this is as bad as the predictions are looking at the moment then this is when the whole state has to come together…

The potential is for a lot of lines to be down at one time…

This is a wind event, then a flooding event…

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter spoke shortly after during a press conference of his own. 

"If you have not left your home, if you need to relocate, if you wait til tomorrow there will be no SEPTA service to get you where you're trying to go," said Mayor Nutter. "That's why you need to leave now, that's why you need to leave tonight. You will not be able to get anywhere tomorrow"

Nutter also stated the following:

Hurricane Sandy is a Category 1 Hurricane…

We’ve been in regular contact with Governor Corbett and a variety of other elected officials to be prepared for this hurricane.

Sandy is expected to make landfall in Ocean County, NJ around midnight tonight.

There is no sign the storm is weakening. It may appear to be strengthening.

It’s a slow moving storm, so it will be with us a little longer than Irene was.

If we looked at this as a snow storm, 5-10 inches of rain in a short period of time is over 5 feet of snow.

Earlier today SEPTA took the correct action in announcing they will suspend service. They will begin shutdown between midnight and 2 a.m.

This is all about public safety.

I’m asking you, please stay home. Stay off the roads so our first responders are not putting their lives at risk.

Our theme is have a plan, be prepared. Then, take action.

Be prepared for flooding. If you see leaves clogging an inlet do us a favor and clean it out.

311 is operational. Please only call 911 if you have a true police, life-threatening emergency.

On Saturday, Nutter declared a State of Emergency for Philadelphia that was made effective at 5 p.m. on Sunday until 5 p.m. on Tuesday.

During Saturday afternoon's press conference, he warned residents to get ready for a "significant storm event."

Nutter stated the following: 

For us and for whatever it may ultimately be we are certain that a huge storm is coming in the direction of Philadelphia that poses a serious threat for Philadelphia and the Philadelphia region in terms of heavy rain, flooding and sustained high winds...

Rain is expected to begin Sunday afternoon into Sunday evening and will become very heavy overnight. We could see 24 to 36 hours of continuous, heavy rain...

As for Monday into Tuesday, we expect to see powerful winds coupled with winds. That combination could in fact take down numerous trees and cause severe power outages...

We’re looking at the prospect of a four to eight foot rise. But when paired with the heavy rain and in a very serious way, the full moon, we could see near record flooding on the Delaware and severe impacts on Feeder streams and creeks like the Pennypack...

The city and our many public safety, utility and non-governmental partners have been preparing for this storm for days now...

We have highly trained employees ready to do whatever is needed at whatever time...

The city’s emergency operation center will have a limited activation tomorrow at 4 p.m. and will be fully operational very early on Monday morning. The limited activation will focus on public safety and the activation of our emergency shelters. The EOC will transition to full activation at 6 a.m. on Monday morning. During the height of this activation, over 20 agencies will coordinate at the EOC under the direction of our director of emergency of operations...

We will have further announcements tomorrow on strategic closures...

For our residents, our message is very simple, have a plan, be prepared and then be prepared to take action. If you live in a flood-prone area, as we mentioned yesterday, like Eastwick, Cobbs Creek, parts of Manayunk and around the Pennypack Creek, you need to contact your friends and family now. By no later than 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, be prepared to move and start relocating. We’re also concerned about areas of the city that are prone to flash flooding. You will remember unfortunately that last year in East Germantown we experienced a flash flood during Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. Residents in those areas need to take necessary precautions. We’re making set robocalls into that section of the city...

If you have no other place to go and you’re in a flood-prone area, we are activating three emergency shelters tomorrow at 4 p.m...

When you get there, you will find the basics of food, water, a place to sleep. Bring comfort items and medications that you normally take. And please do not forget your pets. Pets are welcome...

If you’re not in a flood-prone area of the city you need to shelter in your home. Please stay inside during the greatest extent that you can during the height of the storm, Monday into Tuesday. This is a very serious weather event. Please do your best to stay off the roadway. Please don’t walk in flood water that’s more than above your knees. Never drive into a flooded roadway.

Nutter also gave a warning on Friday to those living in flood-prone areas.

"Don't wait," said Nutter. "If you live in a flood-prone area, make plans now to stay with family or friends. . .Do not wait until Monday to figure out what to do."

Nutter asked residents in the following neighborhoods to start taking action now to be as safe as possible:

  • Eastwick and parts of Cobbs Creek
  • Manayunk
  • Kelly, MLK, Lincoln Drive
  • River Road
  • Delaware Avenue
  • Pennypack and areas surrounding Pennypack Creek

"Record flooding around the Delaware River is likely," Nutter said. "If your home has flooded before, expect it to flood again"

The mayor warned that flooding of all the area rivers, streams and creeks is likely and so are power outages. PECO's Storm Center was activated on Thursday and several hundred additional employees are in place this weekend for emergency response.

The city's 311 call center remains open around the clock and city leaders will decide on Saturday whether to open two shelters: West Philly High School and Roxborough High School.

Empty trailers will be banned from the Commodore Barry Bridge if sustained winds reach 35 mph. The Delaware River Port Authority will declare a total ban on trucks, trailers and motorcycles if sustained winds reach 40-45 mph.

Motorcycle and empty trailer traffic will be banned from the Walt Whitman Bridge, Ben Franklin Bridge and Betsy Ross Bridge if sustained winds reach 40-45 mph.

Both pedestrian walkways on the Ben Franklin will be closed on Monday and Tuesday.

Governor Tom Corbett declared a state of disaster emergency for Pennsylvania and emergency authorities are advising residents to have three days worth of supplies in the event of power outages.

A Declaration of Emergency was also issued in Abington on Sunday.

The proclamation authorizes state agencies to use all available resources and personnel, as necessary, to cope with the magnitude and severity of this emergency situation. The time-consuming bid and contract procedures, as well as other formalities normally prescribed by law, are waived for the duration of the proclamation.

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