Dogs Rescued From Filthy Pen in Delco Yard

Animal control removes Cane Corsos from mud-covered pen

WARNING: Some viewers may find this video disturbing.Officials called it a sickening case of animal abuse in Delaware County, as four starving dogs were found in a mud-covered pen in freezing conditions. NBC10’s Claudia Rivero has the exclusive story.

Animal Control officers rescued four badly malnourished dogs -- wet, cold and without water or food for up to a week -- from a locked mud-covered pen in Delaware County Thursday evening.

The mother, father and two pups, believed to be Cane Corsos, were found in the filthy pen outside a home on the Baily Road in Yeadon, Pa.

NBC10 was the only news station there as Delaware County Animal Control officers served a search warrant to remove the animals from the miserable conditions.

According to Animal Control Officer Lisa Stewart the dogs were outside since last Friday.

"That's when we got the first complaint from the police stating they were out here. We did the follow-up. Posted notices, unfortunately nobody responded."

The dogs could have died if they remained outside another day or two.

Animal control said the owner is somewhere in Georgia and allegedly left a friend in charge of his dogs. Once the owner is found he could face animal cruelty charges.

"These dogs are starving," Stewart said. "They lunged at all the food we gave them. That means only one thing they haven't eaten in days."

Neighbor Alice Honeywell is glad to finally see the dogs go. She says back in July the older Cane Corsos attacked her and her dog.

"Tried to kill me, no question, mangled my leg, I'm still being treated for it," said neighbor Alice Honeywell. "And my dog almost died."

Animal Control officers tranquilized the older dogs to keep them calm. After about two hours, all four were finally removed from the muddy mess and put in good hands at the Delaware County SPCA -- it's not clear what their future will be.

"I feel sorry for them," Stewart said "They could have had a better life."

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